Be simple and seamless with Online Ordering and On-Demand Delivery

No matter what product or service you sell, being in the e-commerce world is one of the things you’ll have to do to stay in business. And empower your e-store now with our online ordering and delivery platform. Sustain, Serve your community and Keep growing your business; our platform is 100% ready for you. Simple and elegant design to boost your branding, user friendly and straight forward ordering process, optimised and real-time delivery system and powerful payment integrations enable you to set up your e-store as simple as that.

Let our team of talented web designers deliver a unique, high-quality and cost-effective e-commerce website for you

We focus on turning your visitors into customers. Every Website we design and every feature we enable is customised to meet your business needs and your customers’ expectations.

We help you to grow your online customer-base with beautiful, user-friendly website designs that offer simple, intuitive functionality to assist in converting your website visitors into sales.

Online Ordering and Delivery Made Easy

See how our platform helps you to start and grow…

Google API Post Code Search

Easily search for stores and delivery by entering post code

Online Ordering

Simple and straightforward steps to complete online ordering.

Delivery Management Module

Check delivery time slot and pre-book based on availability.

Unlimited Products and Category

Add any no.of products or create unlimited categories to the e-store.

Payment Gateway integration

Powerful payment gateways integration, both straight and split payment systems.

Order Status and Instant Notifications

Instant order confirmations and delivery notifications.

Mobile Friendly and Responsive

Scalable and multi-device friendly, responsive to any device/screen resolutions.

Bespoke, Custom Built Platform with CMS

Tailor made platform, with Admin LTE enabled back end system and secured.

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