Online Examination System

Our Online Examination System has been developed in PHP script with Mysql Database. So, if you are looking for any online examination system, then you have come to the right place. This system can automate your existing system into a digitised exam system increasing accuracy and efficiency plus allowing you to take more exams at the same time. The results can also be published in a shorter time. Implement this system and don’t limit your students inside the four walls of the classroom. Reduce the cost of logistics.

Additional Features


3 Steps Installation process / Free Installation support.
Free/Paid Exams and Exam Series with detailed time analysis on each question.
Sectional exams and Practice exams.
Practice Exams before login.
Frontend CMS Pages with multiple theme support.
Multi Theme Layouts.
Captcha Security.



Free/Paid Learning management System like video portal and downloadable items.
Support multiple payment gateways (Eg. Paypal, Razorpay, Offlinepayment).
Enable or disable modules with given settings.
Strengths and weakness of the student for each subject.
Messaging, Notifications, Feedbacks and many more.



Work managed by a Company

You work with a Indian company and not freelancers. We are always accessible, and there is no need for Plan B. All the work is guaranteed & monitored. So hiring developers from us is the right choice for your firm.

Mix and match technical skills for a flat rate of ₹500/hour

Pick any tech skills at the same price of ₹500 per hour. We have readily available, experienced resources for your projects, and we can facilitate any work that is required in your project.

Quick turnaround, No upfront fee and Pay happily.

View staff hours at the end of every day in your custom dashboard, and only pay for the work done.

Free tech advice & project documentation

We will assist you in creating a project blueprint and help in choosing the best technology suiting your needs. This will lead to better project planning and delivery.

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